Our Social Value Impact

At the core of the CIOB is our public benefit remit, it is the reason we exist, and so social value for us has always been at the centre of what we do.

At the core of the CIOB is our public benefit remit, it is the reason we exist, and so social value for us has always been at the centre of what we do. Often that manifests itself in what our members achieve, but as an organisation we have not been shy at doing what is right to benefit society. 

We have been strong advocates for social value in the industry because that story deserves to be told, it empowers the sector, gives those who can demonstrate it a competitive edge and says to others that what construction delivers really matters, and its impact can be felt beyond a building or project. In short, it affects people’s lives in one form or another.

While we have encouraged construction to show its hand on social value, we have not measured our own impact until recently.

For every £1 invested in the CIOB £4.06 of social value is created.

Working with a specialist agency we mapped our social value baseline in 2022 and have now produced a fuller report that dives deeper into our operations. This analysis has revealed that CIOB makes waves that reach out far beyond membership. For every £1 invested in the CIOB £4.06 of social value is created. This study has considered the work we do to inspire, educate and influence change in the industry. Whether that is the expert knowledge we release through magazines, research, courses and events or through the platforms that showcase excellence.

It also considers the support we give members and past members alike through our CIOB Assist service, through mentoring and even through our global networks.

If you are a member, a fellow, a colleague, or a friend there is great reason to feel proud at being associated with us.

CIOB Social Value Full Report 2023

Download and read the report.

CIOB Social Value Baseline Report 2022

Download and read the report.