Membership Grades
CIOB offers various membership grades to support professionals at every career stage, from students to seasoned experts.
Member (MCIOB)
The Chartered Membership grade brings many benefits, including the right to use MCIOB as a post nominal designation. You can also choose between the descriptor of Chartered Construction Manager and Chartered Builder. As a Chartered Member you will have the right to vote and apply to become a Trustee, and thus be able to actively participate in the management of the CIOB.
Chartered Members also enjoy other benefits such as access to over 500 events every year, free CPD resources from the CIOB Academy, complimentary subscription to Construction Manager Magazine* and access to our Library Information Service. Chartered Members can also use the CIOB logo as well as a number of products and services - please click here for more details.
Ready to Become Chartered?
There are different paths to becoming a Chartered Member. Use the links below to find the one that best fits your education and experience.
Fellow (FCIOB)
The Fellowship grade is the highest award offered by CIOB. Our Fellows are amongst the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals in the construction industry, recognised globally for their skills and achievements throughout their careers. The associated post-nominal, FCIOB, is highly regarded and sought after. Entry to Fellowship is focused on meeting a unique set of leadership competencies and behaviours at a strategic level, reflecting the highest level of professional competence.
Fellowship applications are open to senior professionals with more than five years of experience leading an organisation, leading people and contributing to the industry, communities and/or society. Non-chartered members will need to show evidence of a level 6 qualification such as a UK bachelor's degree or equivalent. This could be any level 6 academic, vocational or professional qualification and does not necessarily need to be construction-related. We will also recognise a range of other professional body memberships such as RICS, ICE, CIM or APM for example.
In addition to receiving the benefits of Chartered Membership, becoming a Fellow of the CIOB can bring considerable additional rewards, including employer achievement recognition, career progression, promotion, higher salaries and a wider range of job opportunities.
After retirement, Chartered Members and Fellows can apply for the Retired Grade. Once accepted, you can use new designations: Ret MCIOB for Members and Ret FCIOB for Fellows.
Interested in Fellowship?
Technical Member (TechCIOB)
The Technical Member grade (TechCIOB) is a specialist award offered by the CIOB. This grade was designed to empower specialists to promote their achievements via a globally recognised certification and post-nominals. Entry to become a Technical Member (TechCIOB) is focused on meeting a unique set of competencies and behaviours, reflecting the highest level of technical excellence. In addition, Technical Members (TechCIOB) gain access to CIOB's many benefits, including CPD, networking etc.
Become a Technical Member
The non-chartered grade of Applicant is an entry for those who do not hold an existing ACIOB/ICIOB membership and wish to become Chartered. You must meet the eligibility requirements and be admitted to this grade to undertake your next steps to becoming Chartered. The Applicant grade does not provide any entitlement to post-nominals or designations; however, by progressing through the most appropriate pathway to membership, you can gain your Chartered Membership and enjoy all the benefits that come with being MCIOB.
*Geographical restrictions may apply
Find out more about becoming an Applicant
Student membership is an entry point to membership for those studying with the CIOB or in education. This grade does not provide any entitlement to post-nominals or designations; however, by progressing through the most appropriate pathway to membership, you can gain your Chartered Membership and enjoy all the benefits that come with being MCIOB.
Student membership gives you instant access to a wealth of resources that will support your transition to a worthwhile career.
Are you a student?
Discontinued grades
The Associate (ACIOB) and Incorporated (ICIOB) grades closed to new members in 2015. They were intended to be stepping stones towards Chartered status. For current ACIOB and ICIOB members, your status will remain unchanged until June 2025. At this point, we expect that you would have upgraded to Chartered status.
Associate membership was often awarded to those in a management position for a couple of years with an academic qualification comparable to an HNC or other Level 4 qualification. The Incorporated grade was one step above Associate and was intended for fairly experienced managers with the equivalent of a foundation degree, HND or Level 5 qualification.