Support for Clients
We are here to help, signposting you to useful information and guidance to help you plan and manage your construction project effectively.
Being a construction client isn’t just about creating the right building for the right price within the right time frame. It is also an opportunity to contribute to solving some of society's biggest economic, ethical and ecological problems.
Clients need to coordinate a complex web of resources involving a team of professionals, all amid considerable uncertainty. Regardless of project size or type, this is even more challenging if you have no professional training and only limited experience.
We are here to help you, signposting you to useful information and guidance to help you plan and manage your construction project effectively.

Homeowner Clients
Embarking on a construction project for your home can be an exciting yet daunting prospect. To help you navigate the process, we have gathered together FAQs and practical tips to ensure a smooth and successful experience from the start.

Professional Clients
CIOB members are qualified construction management professionals who uphold the highest standards in construction. They will bring valuable skills and experience to your construction team.
CIOB Client Steering Group
Established in 2021 and comprising influential clients and client representatives (see below), the Client Steering Group (CSG) has an overarching remit to steer and oversee the development of CIOB’s new client strategy.
The aim is to engage construction clients of all kinds by offering best-practice advice on how to improve project outcomes. This puts CIOB at the heart of the culture change needed in the industry and positions CIOB membership as a quality differentiator in the market for construction professionals.
Additional Resources for Professional Clients
CSG is chaired by CIOB Past President, Mike Foy OBE MBA FCIOB FCMI, who chose clients as a core focus during his presidency, and is managed by Linda Stevens, CIOB’s Head of Client Development, who reports directly to Chief Executive Caroline Gumble. Linda is responsible for delivering the CIOB’s Client work, a key priority under the theme of Modern Professionalism in the CIOB’s five-year corporate plan.
In its first few months the CSG created a new client hub on the CIOB website and has overseen the development and publication of new content including a new guide for professional clients: Leading Projects in the Built Environment and a set of FAQs for homeowner clients.
These are the foundation stones of an ambitious programme of future digital resources in the form of articles, case studies, specialist services and products to foster the spirit of collaboration that is so critical to modern professionalism.
Additional resources for homeowners
CSG Members
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President (2021-2022), Chair of Client Steering Group, CIOB Client Champion
Jon Enever
Chief Client Officer, Gleeds, Member of Client Steering Group, CIOB Client Champion
Virginia Borkoski FCIOB, AIA, RIBA
Former CIOB Trustee, Member of Client Steering Group, CIOB Client Champion
Jennifer Makkreel MCIOB
Member of Client Steering Group, CIOB Client Champion, Deputy Head of Capital Projects, University of Oxford
Senior Consultant, AAA Project Services, CIOB Client Champion, Member of Client Steering Group
Graham Lewis MBA (Distinction) BSc (Hons) MCIOB
Chief Officer University Environments and Property, Cardiff Metropolitan University, CIOB Client Champion, Member of Client Steering Group