CIOB in Ireland Roadshow
In these unprecedent times of Covid, lockdown, and no face-to-face meetings and events, it was great to see the CIOB in Ireland, Dublin and Belfast Hubs organise a Virtual Roadshow to showcase all the work being undertaken, supports available and the opportunity to network with other members over a week long series of webinars.
All Ireland Roadshow, great to connect members with staff.
In these unprecedent times of Covid, lockdown, and no face-to-face meetings and events, it was great to see the CIOB in Ireland, Dublin and Belfast Hubs organise a Virtual Roadshow to showcase all the work being undertaken, support available and the opportunity to network with other members over a week-long series of webinars.
Caroline Gumble, Chief Executive of the CIOB opened the week with a very warm welcome and introduction to the CIOB and the work being presently undertaken. This led nicely into words form both the Dublin and Belfast Hub Chairs on the work being carried out locally, and a wonderful panel discussion between the Chairs and Trustees on the present, and future of our industry. Excellent start to the week.
Throughout the week we heard how the CIOB supports its members, the Policy, Research and Public Affairs in Ireland, Mental Health and to wrap up there was a wonderful interactive session with our local committee members and the opportunity to have some one-on-one networking with other members – like a four minute blind date.
The week was full of highlights, especially the opportunity to ask questions to the leadership and hear their responses first-hand closed some uncertainties that surround the industry at present and the time on the webinars passed all too quickly. However, personally, one session stood out above all and that was the Mental Health Awareness Day.
Mental Health, Mental Wellbeing, general wellbeing is important at any time, but especially in these difficult times. It can be strenuous and demanding when working with a team, or in a group, but working alone can bring challenges of feeling isolated. Not seeing a colleague and the ability to interact with them - in any way - does lead to loneliness and dealing with one’s own thoughts and feelings. That may not be good.
We work in an industry of collaboration, teamwork and interdependencies where no project is delivered by one individual, we all have a part to play, and togetherness is the key. We bond to build. Even in a company we work with others, are reliant on others and they on us. The past year has removed almost all of these physical interactions and are now reliant on images through online media, or voice contact over a phone. However, we must not dilute the importance of these to keep us all connected and in touch.
The webinar presentation, and panellists went through some disturbing statistics relating to loneliness, the effects and impact of loneliness not only in industry, but in life. However, and more importantly they discussed the positive side of what is being done to counter these feelings and situations and provided excellent information about the help available to those who are struggling; and the wonderful support available within the industry. The message I took from the session is, don’t be afraid, don’t be alone, reach out as there will be someone to help. The brave step is to ask for help: be brave.
Personally, what I have found especially helpful during these lockdowns is regular contact with family, friends, colleagues – both company and business partners – whether they be formal scheduled meetings, or just a quick catch up call to say “Hi”. I recall a line from my school days, the title of a book by John Donne, and into the modern world by Hemingway in “For whom the bell tolls”: “No man is an island entire of itself”, by which we mean no person, how true.
Thank you CIOB In Ireland, both Hubs, for the excellent week of information and learning, and supporting us at this time. We now know better what services you provide, where they are and how to access them. We are not alone.
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