Ethics Campaign

Mental Health in Construction

Last updated: 12th July 2022

Mental Health in Construction

The Anxiety UK Partnership

CIOB Assist partners with Anxiety UK, a charity dedicated to helping those affected by anxiety disorders, stress and anxiety-based depression.

This partnership means that all CIOB members, past and present, and their dependent family members can receive free support from Anxiety UK.

Visit the CIOB Assist Website

Mental Health MOOC

The CIOB has created a massive open online course (MOOC), entitled ‘Mental Health in Construction’.

On the course, participants will learn to understand signs and symptoms of poor mental health and understand how to manage their own mental wellbeing as well as that of their colleagues. They’ll hear from people in the industry about how to change construction’s culture to end the stigma around mental health. 

To find out more, or to register for this course, visit the Academy website.