Response to BEIS Select Committee inquiry into impact of coronavirus on businesses & workers
The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee looks at issues facing the workforce, including the self-employed, across a range of sectors, such as retail, engineering and manufacturing, energy, and the creative industries.
The BEIS Committee’s inquiry initially focussed on the immediate impact and support offered to workers and businesses during the coronavirus crisis. Over the coming months, the inquiry will continue to keep a close eye on Government policy and its impact on businesses and workers, including the following key areas:
- How different sectors and those in different forms of employment are affected by coronavirus;
- The impact of support schemes and policies announced by the Government, including the Business Interruption Loan Scheme, Bounce Back Loan Scheme and Job Retention Scheme;
- The likely needs of different sectors over the coming weeks and months, and at each alert level of the pandemic.
The CIOB issued a response to the Inquiry's call for evidence which can be accessed below. The response is also hosted on the Parliament website.
CIOB Response to the BEIS Select Committee inquiry into impact of coronavirus on businesses and workers
Our response to the BEIS Select Committee inquiry into impact of coronavirus on businesses and workers can be downloaded below.