Phillip Beaumont
Career Resume
With an extensive 35-year career in all aspects of highways construction, operations & maintenance, my work in the infrastructure sector of the built environment has given me very broad experience and enabled me to develop skills in multiple disciplines.
I gained Chartered Member status of the CIOB in 2009 and Fellowship in 2014. Alongside this I'm a Fellow of the CIHT and a Chartered Quality Professional with the CQI
I have a passion for infrastructure & quality and promote safe, Right First-Time delivery in all aspects of the business, aligned with collaborative behaviours required for genuine ‘high performing integrated team’ culture.
Personal Statement
I consider myself fortunate to have served the CIOB and its members in a variety of positions.
Having had the privilege of serving as a Trustee for the last 3 years, I'm confident that I can further contribute to the global role of the CIOB and its members if re-elected.
I've been a Board Member of CECA (NE) since 2014 and recently Chairman 2021-2023
This role has provided the opportunity to demonstrate strategic leadership & direction.
At this time of unprecedented levels of investment in infrastructure , I wish to share my broad experience to give oversight of this sector alongside Trustees with differing backgrounds.
This will help in shaping the future of the CIOB in regards to our policies whilst attracting new members from the infrastructure sector, at all times aligned to the aims of the CIOB Corporate Plan 2023 -2028