
Trustee Recruitment 2020 - Announcement

The Chartered Institute of Building Nominations Committee are pleased to confirm that it has now completed its assessment of the applications for 3 Trustees to be elected to the Board from June 2020. 

Press Office

Last updated: 5th March 2020

The Chartered Institute of Building Nominations Committee are pleased to confirm that it has now completed its assessment of the applications for 3 Trustees to be elected to the Board from June 2020. 

The result of that assessment process was that there were not more successful candidates than vacancies and therefore in accordance with Bye-Law 65(d), the candidates shall be deemed elected without a vote. This decision was ratified by the Board of Trustees on 31 January 2020. 

For 2020, there will be no requirement for a Board of Trustee’s election. 

Virginia Borkoski FCIOB, Stephen Nitman FCIOB and Paul Young FCIOB shall be duly elected to the Board of Trustees from the close of the AGM in June 2020. 

The Nominations Committee shall now continue under Bye-Law 67 to propose to the Board of Trustees a further 2 candidates from the applications based on a skills audit of the full Board of Trustees to ensure we have the required mix of skills and experience to support the successful execution of the Corporate plan.

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